Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Knows the 5"C" when buying a diamond

Precious stone like diamond is consider the most expensive stone that most women would like to have one in their procession and its said to be women best friends. Diamond are most given by men to the girl during the wedding day, engagement or when the men propose to the women to marry him. When buying diamond it is best to know the important of diamonds or get some one who is very good about diamond to follow you or to your regular shops that you can trust as diamond cause a lot of money.

The four "C" as it used through the world to classify the rarity of diamonds. Its is the cut, color, carat (weight) and clarity. The cuts is how a skilled craftsman creates in transforming a rough diamond into a polished and brilliance diamonds. A well skilled cut diamonds reflect of its brilliance light of the diamond. Diamonds that are cut to deep or shallow will lost it light and its value.

There are many colors found in the diamond but white colored diamonds still remains most popular to many people and still the most expensive stone. Diamond are graded on a color scale by GIA. Carat is the weight of the diamond and not the size of diamonds. Clarity is most seen by microscope the clearness of the diamond and the brilliance light that reflect from the diamond. The fifth "C" you ask is the certificates of the company and the certificates of the diamond you purchased.


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