Monday, October 20, 2008

The common tips when buying a diamond rings

Here are some glue when buying a diamond. As diamond are girls best friends and its always brought by men to present or propose to the women when asking for the women hands to be their wife. Diamond is an expensive precious stone and is not always brought by the same men unless he is very rich. Most men would not want to be cheated when buying a diamond rings. The best points is to get some friends or relatives who is very good in diamond or brought from a well known established shops which can be reliable on.

The common tips when buying a diamond rings is learned to know the 4Cs. Knowing the 4Cs is very important to everyone who wanted to buy a diamonds. The 4Cs are knowns as Cut, Color, Carat or weight and Clarity. As price are not depended on the size it is depend on the interplay of the 4Cs. After you are happy with the 4Cs then price of the diamond is quoted by the merchant.

Carat refers to weight and its measure of weight such as one carat is equal to 200mg and one carat diamond price can be double the price of a half carat diamond. Cuts are the shape and size the diamond are cuts and its is how the diamond maker angles the diamond. Diamond that are colorless are most expensive compare to others types of diamond. Clarity is seen by a microscope how clear is the diamond. If there is a line or a dot, the price of the diamond are not so expensive compare to a clear diamond. Lastly when you are happy and deal is ok ask for another "C" The Certificate.


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